U.PVC Pipes

U.PVC pipe is made from best type of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride thermoplastic material. U.PVC pressure pipe and non-pressure pipe is often using for different aims like water supply, drainage, irrigation, chemical handling, waste management, vent tubing and duct work. Our U.PVC pipes are manufacturing in various sizes that range from 16 mm up to 1000 mm in diameter and various pressure ranges according to international standards DIN, ISO, EN, BS, ... and national Iraqi standards according to our client order.


Table # 1      Specification table for pipes (U.PVC)  According to DIN 8062: 2009-10

Table # 2      Specification table for pipes (U.PVC)  According to ISO 1452-2

Table # 3      Specification table for pipes (U.PVC)  According to EN 1401 and ISO 4435

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